With changing economies, increase in contingent jobs and the advances in technology, recruitment agencies need to not only adapt to the changes, but also ensure that they are able to fill jobs quickly and efficiently.
For 18+ years, our team has gained immense expertise, and a wide range of skill sets through comprehensive research. Its testimony is reflected in these thought-provoking resources, a necessity in the modern business environment to stay up-to-date with the ongoings of the organisation.
With changing economies, increase in contingent jobs and the advances in technology, recruitment agencies need to not only adapt to the changes, but also ensure that they are able to fill jobs quickly and efficiently.
Many people were caught off guard by the Leave outcome in the EU Referendum on June 23rd-24th, including politicians, economists, bookmakers and members of the public too.
Being a recruiter is hard work. Finding excellent candidates is even harder. You already know that your success as a business depends on how you grow your talent pool but have you stopped to think how important
As the nation goes to the polls to vote in the EU Referendum (or ‘Brexit’, to use its tabloid name), we take a look at some of the implications for the UK healthcare sector.
A New Zealand GP hit the headlines recently after his hunt for a replacement caught the attention of the world’s media.
In today’s database-driven recruitment world, agencies rely on up-to-date electronic information about candidates and clients.
Explore job opportunities at IMS People Possible.