Does your staffing company have enough job openings but not enough candidates? Are your recruiting costs hindering your profitability?
For 18+ years, our team has gained immense expertise, and a wide range of skill sets through comprehensive research. Its testimony is reflected in these thought-provoking resources, a necessity in the modern business environment to stay up-to-date with the ongoings of the organisation.
Does your staffing company have enough job openings but not enough candidates? Are your recruiting costs hindering your profitability?
While “Gig Economy” is still an emerging term, the technology and social trends that underpin it are largely mature, particularly as the generation referred to as Millennials reach the prime of their careers.
Candidate sourcing is a crucial element in the recruitment process for many organisations, and it enables you to reach out to the most talented individuals, rather than relying solely on hiring someone from the pool of people
Staffing employment figures of July 2016 are not left untouched by the repercussions of the present political and economic uncertainty.
Healthcare is a 24/7 occupation, so it’s important for healthcare agencies to be able to fill vacancies whenever they become available – even if they are received in the early morning or after normal business hours.
In previous articles we have talked about how hard it is to find excellent candidates – and how keeping hold of them is vital to future success of any recruitment business.
Explore job opportunities at IMS People Possible.