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IMS Insights


IMS Insights
Well-researched insights curated by a team of industry-leading experts at IMS

For 19+ years, our team has gained immense expertise, and a wide range of skill sets through comprehensive research. Its testimony is reflected in these thought-provoking resources, a necessity in the modern business environment to stay up-to-date with the ongoings of the organisation.

Forging the right path in supporting staffing firms sales and delivery teams

Forging the right path in supporting staffing firms sales and delivery teams

By IMS People Possible Updates, Recruitment Industry News

It was a wonderful experience attending the VMSA Live 2017, IMS People Possible also got a chance to speak at this event.

Our key focus this year was the balance between sales and delivery teams and the mutual reliance on each other to achieve business success. As a provider of Offshore Recruitment Services (ORS) to recruitment businesses we are at the front line when it comes to working with agencies to effectively manage fluctuating demands in this key area.

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Brexit: what next for recruitment?

Brexit – compounding the NHS staffing crisis

By Recruitment Industry News

Staff shortages have always been an ongoing issue for the NHS and the recent triggering of Brexit, the leaving of the UK from the European Union, has only made the problem more critical. A great deal of concern is centered on the fears that the UK Government is making the crisis worse by refusing to guarantee the right to work in the UK of European citizens, especially those already here.

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