It’s been a little over 2 months since one of the largest and probably the most unpopular changes facing contractors working in healthcare in the UK was introduced. Know how is it affecting the contractors.
For 19+ years, our team has gained immense expertise, and a wide range of skill sets through comprehensive research. Its testimony is reflected in these thought-provoking resources, a necessity in the modern business environment to stay up-to-date with the ongoings of the organisation.
It’s been a little over 2 months since one of the largest and probably the most unpopular changes facing contractors working in healthcare in the UK was introduced. Know how is it affecting the contractors.
IMS People Possible deliver recruitment database regeneration, essential for business growth and to avoid talent shortages.
IMS People Possible offers VMS Support for recruitment companies, vital administrative assistance to streamline time consuming tasks in a more cost effective manner.
As staffing professionals, it is vitally important to understand the many potential pitfalls of not following the correct procedures when appointing Independent Contractors.
Recruiters often find it difficult to cope with the fluctuating workload and adjust their workforce to meet specific client demands. Not surprisingly, this leads to extended hours of inefficient work.
Skills shortages in IT are nothing new however a recent study₁ has further highlighted how concerns within the sector are at near critical levels.
Explore job opportunities at IMS People Possible.