The gig economy is growing and changing the staffing industry in the UK. We examine how companies can best adapt to the changes in the contingent workforce.
For 19+ years, our team has gained immense expertise, and a wide range of skill sets through comprehensive research. Its testimony is reflected in these thought-provoking resources, a necessity in the modern business environment to stay up-to-date with the ongoings of the organisation.
The gig economy is growing and changing the staffing industry in the UK. We examine how companies can best adapt to the changes in the contingent workforce.
With market growth we overview the main benefits to staffing firms by outsourcing the management of a VMS (Vendor Management System) to a trusted ORS partner.
There are many benefits of working with an Offshore Accounting Service provider, this blog highlights the things to look for when choosing a partner provider.
Overview of Artificial Intelligence (AI) within staffing and recruitment. Recruiter technology that includes Chatbots, RPA, Smart Visual Assistants and Big Data.
Summary of expected changes in the US recruitment sector during 2018 including AI, marketing and employer branding, labor shortage, equality and working trends.
Summary of expected changes in the UK recruitment sector during 2018 including technology, social media, learning and development, diversity and the gig economy.
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