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  • Property preservation data entry requires lots of effort, resources, and research of data and information
  • Factors to consider before outsourcing the property preservation data entry to an offshore partner

Outsourcing property preservation data entry is not an easy task. It takes lots of effort, resources and research as it involves highly sensitive data and information and any wrong flow of information can damage everything!

Data entry work typically involves order processing through pictures, analyzing the occupancy status of property, maintaining the property until sale and bidding etc.

1. Quality & Accuracy:

Accuracy and quality are the most important factors for data entry regardless of the type of data being recorded and stored.

Consistent data errors can create significant issues over time and will affect the property preservation data entry business in the long run.

The quality of data can be affected by many things. Hence, before outsourcing the data entry, it’s vital to learn factors such as their source of information, work environment and culture, team commitment, access to new technology innovation, technology used for processing the data and even the inexperience or negligence of the data entry operator.

2. Turnaround Time:

When outsourcing data entry work, the turnaround time is also a crucial factor to consider. An outsourcing service provider should be able to make the most of the information by delivering the most accurate and quality output within the requested turnaround time.

Quality teams must be very attentive towards any damage and able to manage a number of properties at speed or the scorecard may be affected negatively.

Balancing these factors is quite a tedious task but by partnering with an outsourcing company who has worked in the same field for a long time, it can really help.

The best way to assess the quality and order processing turnaround time of bulk data entry service providers is to get them to complete a sample work for your organization. You can accurately assess their competency by analyzing the work completed and if you’re not happy with their services you can always look for a better outsourcing partner.

Fast, On-time, and Accurate Offshore Property Preservation Support that helps you Reduce Costs and Process More Orders

3. Reputation:

One of the major features to look for in an outsourcing firm is their reputation in the market.

When it comes to bulk data entry, data volume, consistency and timely availability are three major challenges every outsourcing company will generally face. Only reputed outsourcing firms will have the competency to deliver quality deliverables on a timely basis in the long term.

Outsourcing bulk data entry to a reputed firm will ensure complete and accurate data whenever required as they will not risk damaging their reputation, built over a long period of time.

4. Price compatibility:

Often the main motivation behind outsourcing online data entry is primarily cost savings. However, it is still an important decision as it involves comparing the probable cost savings against concerns over losing control over the product or service.

Outsourcing takes place mainly to improve profit margins, however the cost efficiency of outsourcing online data entry comes into question, if the third party vendor fails to meet the specifications or requirements of the business enterprise.

Plus, since cost savings are never immediate, it is very important for property preservation companies to learn about how they will be able to make savings in the short as well as in the long time.

However, while choosing the right data entry help, it is best to consider the quality, technology and timeliness rather than the cost.

5. Technical advancement & Industry Updates:

Technology makes your data more accurate and complete in less time. Outsourcing service providers must invest in the best and latest technology like dual screen desktops that helps them to complete the bulk data entry work in less time and with more accuracy.

Many levels of data checks are done by the software tool which ensures quality information is provided to the organization within a shorter period. Though technology investments are usually very expensive, the output is much more beneficial.

Government policies keep fluctuating for real estate which consequently affects the property preservation industry. Adherence of rules and regulations is a must, for example, without awareness and adaptability of the new Title 54 of the United States Code in Property preservation law an order cannot be processed correctly.

The Data Entry/QC team of an offshore outsourcing company must be familiar with the prevailing software and technologies that are required in data processing services. Also, the offshore company must have high speed internet connectivity to process the order.

The bottom line is, before outsourcing the property preservation data entry, it is very crucial to have a detailed knowledge of the company you are partnering with and learn if they will be the right partner for your property preservation business.

To learn more about how IMS People Possible can be that right partner for your property preservation data entry business, send us an email on [email protected]