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With changing economies, increase in contingent jobs and the advances in technology, recruitment agencies need to not only adapt to the changes, but also ensure that they are able to fill jobs quickly and efficiently. Partnering with a good Offshore Recruitment Services company can help you. Before you choose to work with an ORS company, follow the following best practices in order to save your company’s time, resources and money while getting a skillful bunch of candidates.

1) Before you start, decide your desired ROI

To have a feasible business model, the offshore recruitment must generate a remarkable return on your investments. In recruitment, ROI targets are easy to identify. For example, placing a specific candidate, delaying or failing in placement, handing important but not critical functions to the ORS team etc. This way, you’d feel that your current recruitment team is becoming more efficient and the overall hiring procedure has become cost-effective.

2) Determine and utilize the metrics

At the initial stage of your engagement itself, discuss with your offshore recruitment partner and determine a few essentials such as how the progress and process will be scaled, what activities will be carried out, by whom and when these activities will be tracked, when the reporting data will be generated and delivered, etc.

A trusted ORS Partner that helps you Improve Margins, Reduce Costs and Fill More Orders

3) Consider the recruitment partner as a part of your team

To make the recruitment partnership a success, you must see them as a remote team. This means that whatever they do, should reflect your internal processes. Like your internal hiring team, they should also be given regular feedback. The communication should be established in such a way that they are also a part of your team. The only difference would be that they’d be working remotely, and not from your office.

4) Kick-off with a suitable project

Your initial project should be the most important one and should have low to medium level of complexity, meaning not your most challenging or difficult job orders. A pilot recruitment project can cover handling several important things such as database regeneration, adding highly qualified candidates to your existing list, supporting your business expansion and helping your in-house recruiters with several hard-to-fill positions. If chosen wisely, it should enhance the cost savings by 50%.

5) Regular communication is must!

Regular and clear communication between both the parties often augments the realization of goals and achieving them. The communication which is clear, candid and done at right time can give you expected results within 60 to 90 days from the day it was commenced. Moreover, internal communication is also necessary which serves the interest in favor of company and the existing staff.

To experience the game-changing offshore recruitment agency, Email: [email protected]

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