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  • IMS People Possible explore the trends and difficulties from Australia’s recruitment industry in 2019.
  • We also provide an outlook on 2020 and look at what trends may continue throughout next year.

IMS People Possible look back at the year in recruitment and explore what trends and difficulties emerged from 2019.

  • Stakeholder Engagement: The importance of stakeholder engagement has been a popular topic in 2019 and companies are paying more attention to the knock-on effect that decisions have throughout the business. In turn, soft skills and the ability to communicate effectively in a team have increased in importance too. Recruitment experts in Australia and New Zealand have reported that 2019 has seen soft skills prove critical to hiring managers according to research from HRD.
  • Improving stakeholder engagement company-wide rests on the shoulders of everyone and putting stock into employee relationships can improve the clarity surrounding situations and allows you to align business plans with your employees in mind.
  • Employers should look ahead to 2020 and consider implementing changes in either their consideration of stakeholder engagement or their methodology for evaluating how decisions are made. Often merely reaching out to your employees and listening to their input can help you make a decision that doesn’t generate negativity.
  • Reskilling Candidates: Generally, technology refuses to stand still, with constant developments and inventions designed to benefit all industries. While this provides firms with innovative ways to increase their productivity and cost-efficiency, it doesn’t necessarily help candidates in your database.
  • You may compile a list of talented candidates that impress with stellar skills and proficiencies in all manner of technology. However, after only a few years, these skills will be obsolete. To keep your candidates attractive and up to date, the need to reskill your candidates has never been more critical. Research from McKinsey found that 82% of large firms believed that retraining their employees addressed issues surrounding skill-gaps and actively improves the skills-shortage present in the current job market.
  • While reskilling may require you to invest in your talent, the improvement made will ensure a considerably higher return-on-investment. You should assess your open vacancy requirements, review your candidate pool and create a plan for reskilling the right candidates for the right roles.
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  • Workforce Globalization: In 2019, firms have recognized the value of globalizing their workforce. Embracing globalization allows you to tap into an endless talent pool by utilizing a remote workforce. A massive 70% of Australians successfully work remotely at least one day a week, according to a report from IWG, illustrating the ease in which companies can expand their capabilities depending on their requirements.
  • Globalization provides many other advantages such as increasing your cultural diversity, reaching new markets and gaining insights from entirely new demographics.Although, there are some concerns surrounding globalization, primarily around the reduction of available jobs for nationals, which can be replaced with someone in a different country that may have different wage and working regulations. Furthermore, employing someone from overseas can sometimes cause issues around communication and highlight potential security problems.
  • In 2020 firms must strategize for the ever-changing face of the workforce and job markets, becoming more flexible in their recruitment campaigns.

2019 has been a challenging but exciting year for the recruitment industry. 2020 will unveil more new technology and a new set of challenges; the key is to stay ahead of the curve and embrace the changes that appear throughout the year.