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The NHS is revered around the world; and why not as it truly provides a dedicated healthcare service 24/7, 365 days a year. The NHS are proud to pledge to providing patients with healthcare when they need it and around the clock, as they believe it is crucial to being able to deliver the required standard of patient care.

This pledge places a great emphasis on ensuring the right people, with the right skills, are in the right place at the right time – all of the time. With this in mind the NHS looks to dedicated healthcare agencies to support them in filling vacancies and again this is a 24/7, 365 days a year need.

For agencies this often means many calls out of normal office hours, including early morning or late night and weekend requests. Providing this service can be a challenge for any healthcare recruitment agency, however when coupled with the need to continually maintain robust framework processes to ensure they maintain NHS required standards for workers, it can become a real uphill battle.

Weekend Work? No Problem! We support you 24/7

This is where IMS People Possible can help
At IMS People Possible we truly understand the NHS framework compliances, agencies have to supply high quality trained and fully vetted temporary staff, 24 hours a day. Our Out of Hours support (OOH) allows you to respond 24 hours a day, ensuring you never miss out on an opportunity and always deliver for your client.

IMS People Possible work alongside your own team to provide support only where you need it most and always to the highest standard. We offer bespoke cover when requested, be it at your peak periods, bank holidays or the period from late afternoon through to the morning, or even weekends only. We can be as flexible as you need and can be available at a moment’s notice.

To find out more about how our OOH support services can help you offer seamless cover for your clients please contact or call us on +44 20 3887 3741

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